
Preschool - 3 ½ Years Through 5 Years

Our preschool classroom is designed to get your child ready for Kindergarten!

Our lead teacher has set up a curriculum that teaches the children about God and also engages them in in-depth learning activities to prepare them for school. In this class, the children will use the skills learned in other classes to build on their knowledge of letter recognition, counting, and writing skills among other things.

Children are encouraged to practice independence by using the bathroom on their own, changing their own clothes if needed, getting their lunches ready themselves, and using polite manners to ask for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I bring on the first day? You should bring a water bottle labeled with the child’s first and last name, a lunch box labeled with the child’s first and last name including an age appropriate lunch, an extra set of clothing, a crib sheet and blankets for nap time on a cot, and sunscreen (season permitting).
  • Can I stop by to visit? Absolutely! We have an open door policy. You can also call anytime to check on your little one.
  • Can family or a friend pick up my child? Your child’s protection is our number one priority. If you have a family member or friend that needs to pick up your child, you will need to fill out our Release Form (located by the check in computer) and let your child’s teacher know. When that person comes to pick up, they will need a form of identification with them so that we can verify they are the correct person.
  • Does my child need to be potty trained to be in this class? Yes! If your child is not yet potty trained, please talk with your child’s teacher for more resources.